Washington State Police Officer & Convicted Murderer Shows Off Tattoos His Lawyers Fought To Hide
Washington State Police Officer & Convicted Murderer Shows Off Tattoos His Lawyers Fought To Hide
Washington State Police Officer & Convicted Murderer Shows Off Tattoos His Lawyers Fought To Hide
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Is there anything particular about his tattoos that I should be offended by? I mean they're poorly done and some are edgey, but so are most people's tattoos.
"Punish the Deserving" suggests an urge to inflict punishment, maybe even pain or death, on those you you personally deem deserving. "Judged by XII and Carried by VIII" is about how you would rather be Judged in court by 12 jurors for crimes than be dead and carried by 8 pallbearers. That's not in itself an uncommon opinion, probably, but to get it tattooed explicitly suggests a fixation on the idea. It suggests that they value their life over upholding the law and will take whatever means necessary to preserve their life even to the point of deserving to be tried for their actions, which is not a great mindset in a person trusted to put themselves in danger and uphold the law. "Only evil need fear me. The shadow is mine and so is the valley." Again this gives the impression of a fixation with dealing fear and retribution to those he judges as evil. "One day as a lion" is a part of a longer quote from Fascist dictator Mussolini, "better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep" and is about being a victimizer rather than a victim. That is all on top of the connection between the far right and Nordic tattoos mentioned by others.
None of those sentiments in itself is incriminating or anything. But they do shed light on the general mindset and worldview of the officer in question that, paired with his actions (multiple instances of shooting people in the head), can suggest a criminal intent or liklihood to repeat his criminal actions.
Eagles were a symbol of the Roman Empire and every would-be successor. Mussolini's entire deal boiled down to restoring Rome. Pigs in particular like to jerk off about how many different police forces they had, and the invention of law and order and such.
His lower paunch is Thor's hammer, not Celtic. Even besides the Nazi love of Germanic mythology, modern neopagan Asartu is riddled with fascists, like the maggoty corpse of a dead religion it is.
You take either of these things in a vacuum and it's probably fine. You put it all together and the portrait is far different.
I fucking hate how the far right is co-opting germanic and nordic mythological symbolism. They have some cool as shit imagery and now you look like a nazi if you display it.
I kinda hate how even today, German heraldry uses the eagle. I get that it descends from the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" and doesn't strictly have anything to do with the fash, but I can't look at it and not see all the things that were done under that sign. Not to mention that Rome itself wasn't a squeaky clean bastion of morality and democracy either.
I mean at least this version looks like a cute chicken:
fat right made me chuckle
Some Nordic symbols are co-opted by the far right, but a single mjolnir isn't proof of anything. It's entirely possible he's merely a garden variety shithead.
Combined with the Nordic helmets, spread winged eagle, the lion armor and blood eagle wings on the back... He is garden variety, just Nazi flavor.
They're all pretty shite but the only thing that stood out to me is that he has Mjölnir on his stomach and that (along with other Norse and pagan symbols) is sometimes used by White Nationalists/Neo-Nazis.
If he weren't who he was I'd probably give him the benefit of the doubt.
Just looks like a regular old god complex to me. Probably not favorable for a jury at your murder trial to believe that you feel 100% beyond reproach. Spider webs are also often associated with gangs. Fairly reasonable to hide.
Edit: dis my 999th comment. I’d like to thank my ibs and insomnia for helping me attain this grand achievement.
Yeah I'm not following either.
Oh good, I'm not stupid.
I mean, I still am, but at least THIS doesn't prove it.
Do you really want a police officer that looks like a gang member?
They are in Los Angeles, the third largest PD in the US, according to the Special Counsel to the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission. It is patently impossible to believe that other departments of the general size (and smaller) do not engage in the same sorts of behavior. ACAB
Let's not stigmatize people who get a lot of ink. And I say that as someone who has no tattoos.
It's not about the fact that he has tattoos or even that he has tattoos that you think make him look like a gang member.
It's about what those tattoos show about him. Tattoos are an expensive and painful form of expression. You generally don't get them unless it's something important to you. Tattoos that say things like "punish the deserving" are going to look really fucking bad when you're a cop that committed murder.
I'm covered in tattoos, do you really want me administrating your server?
Yes actually
Well I am #OpenToWork right now
There's actually a large portion of really good officers that are all tatted up. It all depends on the content, how they get presented, and how the person carries themselves.
They could be from from the military and the officer is an experienced veteran. Law enforcement tends to be a common occupation after discharge, especially as they're usually immune to acorns.
They could also be someone who grew up on the "wrong" side and eventually found their way out. Now, they want to improve their old stomping grounds and help other at-risk kids find their own path.
Found their way out to... What, a more official gang? He's not doing anything good here. None of them are.
It never ceases to amaze me what kind of mental contortions people will perform to rationalize obvious malfeasance. Do you think the job of the police is to punish people?
I think they're just talking about tattoos in general though?
I died at "immune to acorns".
But seriously, we aren't super human. And police departments are very oppressive with their expected outcomes. I knew guys that came back to the military because police departments fired them for de-escalation. I also knew guys that got fired for using their weapons too much. Veterans run the gamut and there's plenty who are happy to settle right into a bad department.
I didn't see anything egregiously "white power" (barring the edgy police bullshit), but I assume that while the general public (a jury) are ok with tattoos these days, there's still a specific image in their mind of what kind of person has this much coverage.
I have nothing to back that up. It's just a feeling. They wouldn't let me on the jury because I hate cops, but I don't give a shit about his tattoos as long as they're edgy and not hateful.
Edit: clarification.