if this post gets 1024 upvotes, i will post again with twice as wide en passant
if this post gets 1024 upvotes, i will post again with twice as wide en passant
if this post gets 1024 upvotes, i will post again with twice as wide en passant
I usually charge extra for scat stuff.
So 1025 upvotes? I would probably throw up seeing scat, but I'm to sacrifice myself for a silly internet event.
Haven’t you ever ended up with a little corn on the knob?
A little corn is one thing, but after-KFC stuff it's either a whole log or a half-wet salut shit-shooting with whomps of just gas inbetween. The last one is the hardest to stomack.
If I add in a 26 of some cheap whiskey then it would get really nasty.
I'm all for it.
I'm not american so I'm puzzled by 26 volume. What's that? 26 shots?
750ml for you folk that can’t handle freedom.
26x750ml or just 750ml? It's either suicide or another morning in Russia.
750ml is 26 ounces.
So what's the status?