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DISCO S5 has been phenomenal

Two episodes to go. I'm gutted this is going to be the end, just as the show truly found its stride and grew the beard. Feels a lot like the end of Enterprise. Every season has been better than the last, and the earlier episodes were pretty good. I recently started rewatching S1 after getting an IRL friend into it and he's absolutely loving it. DISCO gave us something unique and different, and if you ask me, Trek is a big enough tent to try new things sometimes, even if they don't always work out the way they hoped.

If Michelle Paradise ever reads this - you've done incredible work and I'm sorry so many of the fans are haters. Looking forward to what comes next.


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  • I'm in the odd camp of believing the first season was the best. It was just so different. I didn't dislike the changes and was just happy to have something fresh on screen. I thought the klingons were great too.

    • I think it's great that every season has its fans - I'm a season three guy, myself.

    • I think season one did everything great except the plot which felt like they were trying to do 100 things at once. I was happy to see by time season 4 came around they calmed down and focused on one story much better.

      • Maybe yeah. But it was also a longer season with 16 episodes I think. I looked that there were quite a few stand alone episodes or mini arcs.

        The Jeff Russo Klingon score is a work of art too

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