I admit I've got a privileged position here, being a man of some size and not having been through the shit my male friends went through, let alone women. I still think people are minimising death before one's time.
Edit: I cannot speak ill of anyone who made assumptions regarding what I'm thinking, I should've been clearer but I was trying to avoid wasting too much time. Ended up wasting everyone else's.
I'm not taking a position on the absolutely inane hypothetical. I'm from a country where women being murdered is a pathetically frequent occurrence, to the point that it barely makes news. I don't mean in the "my grandparents had slaves and I've never visited Cuba" way, most of my adult life I couldn't listen to half an hour of national news without hearing of some dickweed having murdered his wife/girlfriend/daughter and then getting a slap on the wrist, maybe a couple years.
I skimmed the previous thread and what I saw was a lot of people implicitly turning the hypothetical into rape by man vs death by bear. I disliked how many comments seemed to have that underlying it and how many of those went uncorrected.
There is a whole other rant in me on how this "death is the worst thing ever" (by what metric?) bullshit minimizes suicidal people thoughts and reasoning (yeah that exists! People who consider suicide are weighing options!) and disregarding that doesn't help at all.
And if I understood diamat probably tie it to idealism and individualism shouldn't speculate about shit I know nothing about
as someone thats been very close to death, for real. its honestly not even the worst thing, your brain gets flooded with hormones and it makes you feel super high. at least that was my experience. the consequences of SV can scar you for the rest of your life, whereas death is something that is often random and out of your control. i dont feel scarred by my NDE, personally
I admit I've got a privileged position here, ... not having been through the shit my male friends went through, let alone women.
Maybe you should stfu then when those people voice their opinion? What value can you hope to add to the conversation?
Edit: this actually got me riled up because the whole point of being aware of your privilege isn't for you to be able to but so you get OUT OF THE WAY of the struggle of the less privileged FIRST, THEN you can MAYBE hope to help. And you aren't just aware but by effectively going "I hear your fear and grief and pain but ..." you are minimizing it and ACTIVELY DOING HARM. Stop.