This is the reason I stopped shaving. Cost. I have an electric shaver, but I can't be bothered with a half-ass shave. Also, shaving too often gives me razor bumps.
And, without a beard, I probably look like I should be in high school.
I use a safety razor (~$25) and a pack of 100 is around $5, definitely much better than the Gillette line, and honestly I like it more than even the cheaper "good" razors like Dollar Shave or Harry's.
This is the way! The razorblades last for about 4 uses (7 if stretched) so a pack easily lasts a year, and I haven't cut myself with one yet (in contrast to those pesky plastic razors which can't keep sharpness throughout a single session).
Never gonna give my safety razor up, one would have to wrestle it out if my cold, dead hands!