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What was your most lib moment before you were radicalized (or at all)?

I'll start

This is embarrassing but I cried when SHillary lost to Trump.


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  • Voting for the local eurocuck green party and sincerely believing the EU and its institutions were a good thing

    • Same. I've become increasingly pissed off remembering the way the EU got sold to progressives in my country, I was a teen at the time and remember arguing againts people who were sceptical of it in favor of free mobility and such nonsense.

      Funny how the consent manufacturing machine was totally able to leave out the part where the EU is first and foremost an economical union working for the interest of capital.

      Also fell for the "Greens as a sort of leftist option" for a while. Until I realized they are truly the worst liberal tool of muddying the waters that stands in the way of actual change. A planned economy is the only viable solution to the climate crisis is something no Green will ever say here.

      • Can I ask which country you're from just for curiosity.

        I'm from portugal btw, and the party I mentioned is "Livre" which is basically a split from a trot party that completely rid itself of any anti-capitalism and dove right into defending european institutions from the left, the other left parties in the country are way more critical of the EU, especially the communists

        • Finland. Our Green party is full on capitalist and the Left Alliance is exactly like you desbribe Livre. And those and the sucdems are the only options within parliamentary politics, all are heavily pro fortress Europa. Sadly the only ones here that are critical of the EU are the fascist Basic Finns. Which handily makes it so that nobody "reasonable" can be critical of the EU without getting aligned with them of called putins pawn.

          Our communist parties these days are fully underground and ran out of the public eye. And include like five people in total, with good historical reasons as to why. Of those the ML party is critical of the EU. But they currently have no voice, hoping that will change.

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