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How do people not realize supporting Biden is actually the epitome of privilege?

Imagine the mental gymnastics you have to go through to argue that not voting for a genocidal maniac is privilege. Basically what this person saying is that if you are Palestinian you should vote for and support the person who is actively enabling the genocide of your people because they are afraid of what Trump might do because they themselves might be affected by it. How is that not privilege?

The most effective way of achieving any meaningful change is protesting and holding politicians accountable no matter who is in power. But they're arguing for not doing that. To blindly accept and not protest or even criticize a person enabling genocide. Who cares what you vote for? A single vote doesn't mean shit but standing up and fighting against fascism and genocide is what matters. Not only are many of these liberals privileged they are fucking cowards too.


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  • Notice how the framing on Palestine switched from “Trump will do the bad thing” to “Trump isn’t going to be better than Biden.” Even there they have to admit that Biden and Trump are 100% Hitler.

    I think this goes back to the white, affluent liberal worldview that they speak for the poor, unfortunate souls that can’t speak for themselves. So to disregard their political interests is, in their minds, to disregard those without privilege.

    • In the reddit-logo news threads on anything Israel/Palestine, there will be (highly upvoted) comments spouting off about 'what even is Palestine' anyway, and that kind of garbage.

      As though Palestinians must need to be able to trace their lineage back generations and have a history dating back millineia, and failing that it's fine to just seize their land and kill them

      • As though Palestinians must need to be able to trace their lineage back generations and have a history dating back millineia

        And yet they can. Genetic testing shows the closest genetic relatives of the 2000-year old Hebrew population of Palestine and Galilee are Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syriacs.

        Ironically, the Ashkenazi Jewish population have 60-80% European origin by mitochondrial (matrilineal) DNA.

        The Jews mostly didn’t leave Palestine. They mostly converted to other religions.

        The “Palestinian Arab” idea is pseudoscience in furtherance of genocide. It’s to deny the indigenous nature of the Palestinians. The arabicization of Palestine was mostly a matter of cultural exchange, much less than genetics. The Palestinians have been there for almost 5,000 years, and the Ashkenazi and Sephardic, etc, groups share some common ancestry with them.

        The indigenous Hebrews (one of groups tribes who lived in the region) mostly converted to Christianity and Romanized by the 4th century then after the Arab conquest in the 7th century they largely converted to Islam. The local population was never removed or expelled. They simply changed their cultural practices over 2000 years, included by their neighbors, just like everywhere else did.

        • What's funny is these zionists/conservatives say stuff like:

          "Oh they're turned arab like 1000 years ago, therefore we should genocide them"

          Using this standard, Germans have every right to genocide Hungarians out from Europe, considering they invaded 1000 years ago too. But they won't because Hungarians now look european and are Catholic.

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