I'm still crazy salty about when I invested ~$250 to get the Substance Painter + Designer suite, and got the "We'Re JoInInG tHe AdObE fAMiLy wooo!" Email....
Followed by the "Don't worry we'll still let you get indie licenses" email...
Followed by the "It's gonna be subscription only but you can still keep the never-will-be-upgraded indie version we're discontinuing."
How can the likes of Adobe and Autodesk be so garbage and yet everything they taint with their miasmal existence is or becomes "InDuStRy StAnDaRd"? At this point I refuse to touch Adobe stuff partly because their membership is harder to quit than a gym, and the rest is just out of sheer spite.
I just refuse to use commercial creative software at this point. The blatant rug pulling is just expected now.