looking forward to the comments
looking forward to the comments
looking forward to the comments
The author calls it JIF. He intended it as Jif because he has butter fingers and like butter brand JIF.
I'm used to hard G though.
And British people made English, but they don't say anything right either.
But the food is delicious.
Little ironic.... but ok.
I know he says it’s pronounced “jif”, but I just don’t care. It’s like “gift” without the t
Let's be honest here, English does not have that level of consistency. "Women" is pronounced with an "i" for christ sake
Because the a in woman is pronounced the same way the e in women is pronounced...
Probably that was originally introduced by some medieval swinger society, so they could say that they are faithful to their women and technically not be lying about it. When the church figured out they introduced the o as an i thing.
> Because the a in woman is pronounced the same way the e in women is pronounced...
woman = wum-en
women = wim-in
Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, chief.
i always eas taught the plural to be pronounced as "wi-men" I also cannot remember any english TV show or so to talk about wimin, so where the second ibis explicit as an i and distinguishable from an e
Or like "gin" with an f?
Ginf? That’s a new one.
No, you're supposed to replace the letter, not add it, so "fin"
Oh come on, you know what I mean
Never. No.
Say the word "though" in your head. Then add a "t" to it. Would you really argue that "though" and "thought" are pronounced the same simply because they're the same spelling save for a final "t"?
The easiest "rule" is that the creator can decide how to pronounce and spell it lol. Taking English rules that don't even apply 100% of the time to its own words and trying to hold made-up words to the same standards just sounds silly to me haha
There are no rules to how new words come into being or how old ones change.
If everyone says a word a certain way with certain meaning, then that's what it is. One person doesn't get to decide.
Could easily be ‘thof’.
It's more like giant or gin or giraffe.
No, it's more like give or get or girl.
Get is not even gi
Yeah, I always read it as "Jif" then came the correctness police of Reddit and I was bullied into "Gif" by guilt.
And now some 8-40 years later, I feel anything but "Gif" is wrong. Help!
Absolutely not, I don't say this often but those bullies did the right thing.
Do you pronunce it guilt or juilt? Okay bad question
How do you pronounce giraffe? or giant? or gin?
I thought it was at least jood.
Good thing word coiners don't get full control over word usage.
They do though when they are right.
Can you really just drop a hard G like that though? Thought that was only okay for them to say
He made the format, not English.
Ya and in English, we pronounce things like giant, giraffe, gin, etc. with a "j" sound.
Find me a closer English word than "Gift" that uses a J sound for the G
English doesn't work that way. Man is the closest work to woman. Doesn't mean you pronounce the "m" "a" "n" in the two words the same way.
English works like all languages. It's organic and full of exceptions. New words pop up, old ones die, pronunciations change and differ between similar words.
Most people chose to say gif like gift. One person doesn't get to change it just because of who they are. Otherwise celebrities can start changing things.
This is all like the Mean Girls scene where the girl was trying to make "fetch" happen and the other girl shot her down.
Nobody made english, nor is a language static. It is an everchanging result of millions of people using and evolving it.
A language that doesn't change is dead, like latin is. So any rule of how something is supposed to be in a language is subject to time and place, but never absolute.
That's my point. If everyone pronounces a word a certain way, THAT is its correct pronunciation. The first person to say a thing doesn't get to tell everyone else they're wrong.
Everyone started using the word "literally" to mean figuratively, so the official definition changed to mean either or.
Everyone says GIF similar to gift, then that's the proper pronunciation. Creator has no say.
I'm sorry, but he waited 26 years to tell everyone how it's pronounced... at this point you can go with the majority, or stick with however you want to pronounce it.
He didn't intend shit. He just wanted to watch the world burn!
This makes no sense. It stands for "Graphics Interchange Format", do they pronounce it jraphics too?
There are so many examples in this thread alone as to why this rule doesn't work.
SCUBA: the U is for "underwater" and the A is for "apparatus". We don't pronounce it "SC-uh-B-ahhh".
JPEG: The P is for "photographic". We don't pronounce it "JayFeg".
LASER: The E is for "emission". We don't pronounce it "Lay-See-R".
RADAR: The second A is for "And" (lol). We don't pronounce it "Ray-Day-R".
The easiest "rule" is just the guy who made it up can dictate how they want it spelled and to pronounce. The word is made up anyway, and isn't subject to rules that actual English words have been subjected to for however long the language evolved.
The guy that came up with with the acronym for unidentified flying object also wrote that it should pronounced you-fo but everyone spells it out because that is less confusing. So there is an example of the creator being ignored.
How do you pronounce JPEG? Jay-feg?
Yep, I take your point
Seems an odd choice in gif's case still, as you can use the starting letter sounds from each word and it doesn't sound weird.
Not the same for jpeg. P by itself doesn't make a ph sound.
I don't really give a fuck what he intended. If he wanted it to be pronounced JIF he should have named it that.
So how do you pronounce giraffe or giant or gin?
How do you pronounce "graphic"?
How do you pronounce "underwater?" (It's the "u" in scuba)
Copyright concerns?