Never ever let them ask you for a tip before you get your food. If you give no tip they will park you for 45 minutes. Tell them you'll tip cash once you get your food and see how fast they go. Then don't tip them because it's a fucking fast food restaurant and they should be fast regardless.
because it’s a fucking fast food restaurant and they should be fast regardless.
You know, I hate tipping culture as much as the next person, but what even the fuck is this opinion?
Yeah, they should be fast, working with a skeleton crew, or all alone in the middle of the night by themselves, because management refuses to hire enough people to actually make "fast" food. They're paid minimum wage, which last I checked isn't a livable wage in pretty much most of the US.
I'm not saying they should be tipped, but I am saying you shouldn't mistreat them because they didn't make your cheap, shitty food fast enough because you're a fat lazy fuck.
How am I mistreating them? I didn't tip... it's not like I went back there and assaulted them. Also I've gone for fast food twice this year and I'm technically underweight, but thanks for throwing insults. Don't bring that reddit demeanor here.
Tell them you’ll tip cash once you get your food and see how fast they go. Then don’t tip them because it’s a fucking fast food restaurant and they should be fast regardless.
Yeah, you didn't tip them, after lying to their faces and saying that you would. That's a little more than just "not tipping them," fuckface.
I'm insulting you because you said the best way to deal with it was to do something deceiving and insulting (lie about a tip, then don't give a tip) to people who work minimum wage and often don't have the help they need to do their job fast. You then acted as though it being "fast food" was all the reason you needed to expect it to be done fast, ignoring that fast food has been running on skeleton crews for a decade now.
Don't talk to me about reddit demeanor when you're suggesting the best path is to insult people with no power and control other than making your food, and then get your panties in a twist because someone calls you out for that being bullshit Karen-ass behavior. You literally started this by suggesting asshole behavior is the best course of action.
I'm just insulting you, at least I'm not lying to your face and telling you to be happy about it. Or are you really one of those stupid fucks that thinks that insulting behavior isn't the same as insulting words? If you insult other people with behavior, they might insult you with words, chode for brains. Or did you expect them to smile when you drove away without tipping them?
The good thing about Lemmy is that you're the first real toxic cunt that I've encountered. You preach mistreatment then throw pathetic grade 5 insults around. I didn't read past the first paragraph of your reply since it became immediately clear that you couldn't control yourself enough to write anything worth reading.
You really need to chill the fuck out dude. This kind of behavior isn't welcome here. Disengage.