Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees

Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
Just a reminder that warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico and Southern Atlantic = hurricane fuel. We are lucky El Niño is causing some wind shear in the upper atmosphere to break up the storms… so far. I recommend looking it up if you’re interested. Hurricane season has the potential to be devastating this year if the El Niño cycle weakens.
I wonder how much longer Florida lasts before being wiped clean off the map like New Orleans...
TDIL El Niño was not just a one time thing
Does TDIL stand for To Day I Learned?
LOL we'll cut them some slack and say it means This Day I Learned
Yeah I did I triple take lol