Come on Barbie lets go Party
Come on Barbie lets go Party
Come on Barbie lets go Party
Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it is guaranteed to happen in the future.
I didn’t think that I needed to explain that to you. I was wrong. Sorry.
I am not saying things can’t happen if they haven’t happened yet.
I am saying if Socialism and Communism have existed for centuries and that whole time they have had disparity. What reason is there to believe that disparity cannot exist in socialist or communist economies?
I didn't say it was guaranteed, I just said it's possible.
Communism has not existed for centuries, except in concept. It has never been achieved.
Do you even know what we are talking about?
Yes, I am talking about why you think Communism is the solution to inequality but it just hasn’t achieved it yet after centuries of existing.
Then you moved the goalpost to claim that communism has never been achieved.
So let’s talk about that now.
Why do you think Communism has never been achieved but at the same time think it is capable of solving inequality?
I didn't move the goalpost, Communism as a concept is a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society that can be achieved after Socialism has built the groundwork for it. It hasn't been achieved yet, because there have been no developed Socialist states yet, and Communism is a global, international system. It takes a long time to get there, it isn't just something that poofs into existence.
So Communism is:
achieved by Socialist states
takes a long time
never been achieved before
I wonder why it hasn’t been achieved before.
It's a Stateless, Classless, moneyless society. It's hard to build, but it's possible to build towards, and will take time and development to get there.