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General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 7

Welcome everybody, in what is now the year of the Dragon! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.

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  • I am going to become a dad in June for a little girl. Wish me luck, comrades

    • Congratulations and good luck!

      • I am scared honestly! My anti communist father in law tells me that I will start abandoning my socialist mentality after I see my daughter born. However, what scares me the most is that I hope that I can provide for her in midst of this capitalist hellhole country. Sorry comrade, I am ranting a little bit but it is so difficult to talk to people about my situation.

        • It would be a lie to say I knpw what you are going through, as I have no children, however 1) do not appologise for ranting, your nervous and scared, if you need someone to talk to I can listen, and I am sure others would too, we are a comunity. 2) yeah anti-communists say that at every major milestone, they assume at some point you will lose your want pf a better society for everyone, and turn inword and want to be the boot that steps on people to get a little ahead, I would not put a second thought to his comment about your beliefs, I am sure if nothing else you will want to see her have the best future possible l, and that is one with a red banner. 3) The worry you are discribing, I would be more conserned if you where not feeling it, or if you felt blesed she was born into capitalism. You are already worried about her and her future, and that is exactly what a father should be doing.

          • I thank you for your warm response! I really feel at home in this community and I hope that I can learn a ton from you all!

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