Who are those 29% who voted for B C and D? Trolls?
Or additional dumbasses. Dumbass is not an uncommon trait, after all.
Tbf, I kind of want to know how much zebraforce my car gets now, though
A zebra is closer to the size of a donkey than a horse, and donkeys have about 5 horsepower, so a 200hp car would be about 40zf (zebra force). Also, since horses actually have about 15 horsepower, that same car would be about 13ahp (actual horse power). Llamas are also about the size of a donkey, so probably similar numbers.
Disclaimer: I'm not a scientist and these numbers came from my ass.
Disclaimer: I’m not a scientist and these numbers came from my ass.
But is your donkey a scientist?
He's a scientologist. Same thing, right?
In that case, ask him where Shelly Miscavige is for me.
He says that she's alive and well and has been busy devoting her time to Scientology and is definitely not dead or being held captive or anything, so I shouldn't "worry my pretty head about it, sweet cheeks." I should note that he was born in the 40's.
Horsepower isn't a measure of how much power one horse can produce at any time, but rather over an entire day. It's roughly the number of horses an engine could replace running 24/7.
Running a horse at 15 horsepower would tire it out rather quickly, so you'd need many teams of horses rotated around to maintain 15 horsepower.
Roughly 120 llamathrusts
Llamathrust needs to replace horsepower.
Agreed. The ratio is particularly high at maga rallies and anti vaccine drives.
Some humans just want to watch the world burn
I would have voted for Llamathrust, because it's just such a funny word.
I wouldn't be surprised if the voting system you see the audience use is completely fake and the graphs are predetermined before the show is taped.
It was probably this guy's family sitting out in the audience lol. Must be no horse where they come from.
The charitable interpretation is — for maybe some of them anyway — people who wanted to make it look like it wasn't that obvious of an answer and make him feel less bad about it