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Okay but why use loli from pedo anime
Is it or are you just assuming that? I really don’t know.
I unfortunately got exposed to the anime and while "Mild" the constant sexualization of Kanna is pretty unsubtle. It's better than the manga at least which goes overly much into it.
What the fuckkkk is mild secualisation either they are or not and if it's a kid it's pedo
Find a cute anime dragon girl weebs haven't fetishized?
Like, I get it, the source is overall suspect, but this one is a clear child, without sexualized features, wearing normal clothes.
Way better targets for a moral crusade out there.
Ah yes thigh highs and constantly being shoved into sexually alluding situations mm okay totally not sexualized yup yup keep telling yourself that
Well, I'm just talking about this picture that the people who didn't watch the pedo bait anime wouldn't have context for and just see "Aw, cute bby dragon :)" but, by all means, keep explaining the context most people won't have.
Oh honestly in that case you're right people probably don't even know.
Although I wouldn't touch that thing with a 5 feet pole and most people who use it I found unfortunately ARE aware of the context. They tend to usually be porn addicts too
I have no clue what it's from and just thought ' aww cute ' so maybe it's saying more about you?
no, there are so much people into that shit.