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Is Mr Beast a good person?

I know this is going to sound like some clickbait bullshit title, but I'm genuinely curious, asking in good faith. My two oldest sons are enamored with him, and he seems like a genuine guy, so I'm asking - is he a nice guy? If you google the question, you get a bunch of reddit hate, which I don't always trust,'s reddit. I have not watched much content (not my thing, I'm old) but I'm just curious what the fediverse has to say.


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  • Ah yes, the king of poverty porn.

    Wrapping it up in warm fuzzies doesn't make it any less exploitative. Don't be confused - he is in it to make money, the people he helps are nothing but props to him, and people like him do nothing to solve the problems they claim to care so much about, they've just found a sympathetic way to profit from them while deepening the problem (because if we can't even treat fellow poor people as humans, not props, what hope do we have of uniting against those who exploit us?).

    He is not a good roll model. Teach your kids real compassion (which includes among other things understanding that people who are less fortunate still deserve privacy and respect), teach them that kindness doesn't need to be broadcast or be produced (because that's what those videos are - productions), it is something we should all be engaging in all of the time, even, or actually especially, when no one is watching, not because we want more likes and followers. Teach them that if they're that impressed with his efforts, just imagine what they could do if they actually went out and volunteered or otherwise contributed themselves. That'd be significantly better not just for them, but for your whole community.

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