Oh you...
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More people need to learn about yt-dlp and ffmpeg. Can't talk about the seedy anime websites, but youtube-mp3 conversion is so easily done yourself without havaing to visit any virus-pushing sites once you figure out how.
It's a hell of a lot more convenient to go to a shady site with an adblocker installed than install/update Python and a couple command line packages before manually performing conversion yourself.
You can yt-dlg right off the microsoft store on windows which is just a straight up GUI for yt-dlp.
rarely use the cli anymore. the gui works pretty well.
"A couple command line packages", well, since both yt-dlp and ffmpeg are command line tools and two technically qualifies as "a couple", this is technically correct, but making it seem like much more of a big deal than it is at the same time.
Also, you do not have to install Python for any of this. Never mind having Python installed is a good idea anyway.
two doesnt 'qualify' as a couple. two IS couple. a couple is two
has the -x
option to extract the audio, and as far as I can tell it doesn't reencode which is fast. Ripping music from youtube is a single command. yt-dlp -x url
True, but it needs ffmpeg in its path to do that.
This has the same vibes as one of those commercials that tries to sell a convoluted single use kitchen tool by showing a bunch of people too disingenuously incompetent to handle the established standard, actually simple, way of doing it.
This sort of thing. Make the simple problem seem impossible to solve, so the useless product feels more necessary.
/r/wheredidthesodago, one of my old stomping grounds, was dedicated to this
on linux at least, its one command to install, one command to run. worth the 'effort'
More people need to learn about yt-dlp and ffmpeg
I don't listen to hip-hop
Y to the T to the DLP to the FF Motherfuckin PEG
I know, it even scans
I just want to hear the rest of this song now.
I usually use the trick to download YouTube videos using vlc media player, that gives mp4s, which one can get an mp3 from if for some reason I want an mp3 and not mp4 using audacity or something
From my time at Tumblr and DeviantArt I am really familiar with stuff like ffmpeg, but I don't think it is the type you are referring too.
Now I'm wondering what else ffmpeg could mean... Maybe female-female-male threesome with pegging?
Now there's a rabbit hole!
gonna guess Final Fantasy Male Impregnation.
We tell not the muggles of our secret porn.
Same way I, a furry, felt after watching a video on Knot Theory
Although I have no idea of a different kind of "ffmpeg"
I recently needed a QR code generated, and for the life of me, I couldn’t find a website that wouldn’t either require me to sign up, or generate the QR code to their link shortener service.
Finally resorted to logging into my headless Linux server and installing some QR code package.
https://www.f-droid.org/packages/com.example.barcodescanner/ This seema to work pretty well for me.
you can also use VLC to find the video source itself and just download it there.
The seedy anime sites are noticeably nicer than any legit site I've tried. Crunchyroll is a worse website than most pirate sites(assuming noting has improved since years ago). You just need an adblocker for the nuke my PC button next to the video.