You can’t argue me into believing the game is fun when it’s just… overall not that fun compared to other Bethesda efforts.
To be clear, it’s far from an outright “bad” game, but I’m still frustrated that I spent $70 on the fucking thing. If you charge that much, it’s completely reasonable for me to have high expectations for your game.
I enjoyed it but I also know that it wasn’t “great”. But I’ll admit that I got it on game pass and I’m a BES nerd, so that probably elevates it more. Had I paid full price my attitude would probably be very different.
And that's why I never buy on release. Studios have consistently rewarded waiting for months to a year since you'll pay a lower price for a better product.
The only reasons I'd buy at launch are:
I'm a game reviewer and somehow didn't get a free copy
I'm a streamer, so that's the cost of doing business
it's an MP game and I can't convince my friends to play something else
I play almost exclusively SP games, I don't stream, and I am not a reviewer, so it's in my interest to wait several months for patches and sale prices.