The best part about winter, is that it's nice inside. In summer, it can get to a point where it isn't even nice inside anymore.
But also all the downsides of winter outside can be mitigated and navigated. The downsides of summer outside can't be.
There are humans that hang out outside at -70C all day. For all you F users, that is -94F. The coldest winter ever gets where I am is -40C(also -40F for F people), it's usually only about -20C(-4F) on an average cold day in winter.
If you are too cold in winter, you aren't dressed right. There are options available that you haven't taken.
Day 25 of our one year mission at this inhospitable outpost: If that Swedish guy says "Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær" one more time, I'm going to kill him.