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Super Mario RPG - Review MegaThread

Super Mario RPG is releasing on November 17, 2023 for $59.99

Site / CompanyAuthorScore
DestructoidTimothy Monbleau9/10
DexertoOlly Smith4/5
EuroGamerChristian Donlan4/5
Game InformerKyle Hilliard8.75/10
GameSpotSteven Petite8/10
God is GreekAdam Cook9/10
IGNTom Marks8/10
LevelUpPedro PĆ©rez Cesari9/10
Nintendo InsiderAlex Seedhouse9/10
NintendoLifeAlana Hagues9/10
PolygonOli Welsh
SiliconeraBrent Koepp9/10
TwinfiniteZhiqing Wan4/5
WCCFTechNathan Birch9/10


If you want reviews format with some summary, World of JRPG's community here as a review thread as well:

So, any hype for the game?

I was planning to get it day 1, but may have to delay it couple of days (for some personal reasons). What about all of you? How many of you are getting it day 1?

You're viewing a single thread.

  • I pre-ordered it and it's on its way, so it should arrive tomorrow. But I don't know if I'm going to start playing it right away. I was pretty hyped when it was announced, but it feels like I haven't had time to play what I was already playing before it was released šŸ˜… I haven't finished Mario Wonder yet, and I've been playing all sorts of different stuff lately. Maybe it hooks me right away! Based on the reviews it looks like it's a great remake. We'll see....

    • Heh, kind of same here, but have been itching for a RPG, so this should hold my attention.

      • Star Ocean The Second Story R has been an excellent remake so far if you want another

        • Yeah, it's on my wish list, was really glad to see how well it was received.

          • I was legitimately surprised at how well they handled it. Literally my only complaints are that they changed the pronunciation of some character names, like Rena was changed from "Reen-uh" "Rain-uh." Dias seems to be called Diaz by some voice actors. And they changed Gyoro and Ururun's names to...


            Creepy and Weepy...

            And the voiced dialogue makes for some very "Inuyasha-Kagome" moments...

            • lol, Gyoro and Ururun sound much cooler than Creepy and Weepy.

              Well, it's a great day when the only complaints we have about a game is pronunciation of some character names.