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Slave killing his slave master, now tell me how the slave master is an innocent victim libs


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  • Liberals unironically get pissed all the time about people saying "we didn't execute enough Nazis" and "we should've executed every single person who participated in enslaving black people after the civil war." They legitimately lose their minds over it, and the only reason I can assume they do so is because somewhere deep down they know they would have joined the Wehrmacht (I'll be nice to them) and served the Nazis. They know they would've be a white hired worker for a plantation owner and held down slaves while they got punished for trying to escape or not picking cotton fast enough or whatever.

    And off topic, but kind of not, in Band of Brothers (show about the US Army 101st Airborne during WWII) Maj. Dick Winters, the main protagonist pretty much, a man that's represented as and, I suppose probably was, a "moral" man as far he didn't gamble, swear, commit adultery, drink alcohol or smoke, etc. But he did volunteer to be an officer in the war against Nazi Germany and not only that he volunteered knowingly for the airborne paratroopers who dropped behind enemy lines and did all the video game shit Americans, and the world now, know all about. This guy was, from whatever I know, a "good guy." WWII being pretty much the only foreign involvement that America has been on the right side of.

    And how did the show end in the last like 15 minutes? He accepts the surrender of a German officer, higher ranked than him (compared across armies). And the officer offers him his sidearm in a symbolic way reminiscent of "old wars" where the head generals or king or whatever present their sword and bend the knee. Then this guy who just spent like 18 months blowing away Nazis, like a fuckload of Nazis, stands up and says "you may keep your sidearm, colonel." And then the colonel nods and goes to attention before saluting the American major who returns the fucking salute.

    Then there's a goddamn another scene where a Nazi German general is surrendering but refuses to surrender to an enlisted person so Winters sends a respected American Lt. to handle the formal surrender. And they let this guy give a speech to his whole company to the tune of "you did your duty and I hope you go and live long lives now."

    Incredibly long side route there, but that just shows how liberals are in the most extreme example. They had to show "honor in defeat" of the Germans. Why? I dunno. They love it though. They love that shit about institutions and "doing your duty" and if your duty was participating in a genocidal government's blood and soil war campaign to conquer all of Europe and the USSR? Well, so what? You can't say that general should've been shot! He was honorable! Those plantation masters were good southern gentleman! Look at Robert E Lee! So respectful!

    I really hate liberals and this last week has made me realize and see what I always knew, but I can't make excuses at all anymore. They're every bit as bloodthirsty and nationalistic and racist and everything else as the conservatives. They just don't like to advertise it until they "have a reason" but oh boy, give them a reason and they're signing up for the Wehrmacht. First in line to do their duty...

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