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  • You see, humanity lives in a perpetual cycle of "fuck-around" and "find-out". When your population is well taken care of, and your country is boasting a strong military, its all good to swang that big dick and disrespect your surroundings. They're big boi, they can handle themselves, and they can especially handle all those pesky people living on the land you want. So they get cocky, bold, and brazen. This ends the fuck-around cycle, and a new cycle begins. The oppressed decide they don't care if they live or die, they have a shit life, so they're going to bring down the ones causing this. They retaliate in horrific ways. Afterwards, everyone forgets when they come into power, thus starting the cycle again.

    • Bruh go outside and touch grass lmao

    • Swang that big dick, disrespect your surroundings...underrated kanye bars

    • Please "find-out" yourself.

    • New theory about the whole structure of human history based on like two observations

      Idealism much?

      • You circled around to make this comment after replying below. Its not idealist, one whose conduct or thinking is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations. If anything my statement was too practical for your liking and thats why you've felt the need to dog pile. Idealism would be claiming humans can live in perpetual peace if they just stop fighting, that is something that ignores the practical considerations of a societal situation.

        • All I’m saying is it’s stupid to actually think “ humanity lives in a perpetual cycle of “fuck-around” and “find-out”.” maybe it was a joke, but I don’t find it funny.

    • You see, humanity lives in a perpetual cycle of “fuck-around” and “find-out”

      Promoting itself to redditors as an alternative to Reddit was Lemmy's greatest mistake.

    • you see you're a little fascist fuck who cheers for using white phosphorous on white civilians. I only wish you were in the barracks while Hamas was clearing them out one by one. You won't even see this because I'm banned from your gas swamp of an instance, and that makes it even better. You are not even able to say anything against me, but everyone will see your fascist ass for what it is.

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