Think of who you're hurting before you consider piracy.
Think of who you're hurting before you consider piracy.
Think of who you're hurting before you consider piracy.
Pointing out that your excuse of not being able to afford something as a reason to pirate is still selfish behavior.
Yeah, forgive me for not wanting to miss out on something because my economy is shit. Despite me telling you that I buy when I can afford it. Never mind the fact that you can literally frame anything and everything as "selfish behavior" in this life, even breathing. Let me point out that you're just an another smug asshole.
You pirating something because you don't want to miss out on it is inherently selfish. Just because you're not making as much money as you'd like doesn't change anything. And no, you can't frame breathing as selfish since it's a necessary function for living which can't be said about your desire to pirate video games.
And me paying it back when I can is what? Me trying to save up for the good things in life while I'm still alive and able is what? Me supporting the games I like in ways theat doesn't involve spending is what?
Breathing is inherently selfish because you're consuming a resource... with a virtually infinite supply... just like software. Imagine that.
You know what's also selfish and self-serving? Being a smug asshole.
Yea, pirating something just because you don't have the money for it is still selfish behavior. Comparing necessary bodily functions to pirating someone else's IP is a real leap in logic but if that's what helps you justify your selfish behavior then that's cool.
Did I compare breathing to pirating or did I say that anything could be portrayed as selfish regardless of what it is? Because I'm pretty sure I said the latter, yet you're being very disingenuous and that's also very selfish behavior. But I'm sure you'll argue that eating is not selfishly depriving an organism of their life because it's also a necessary bodily function, right? I'm sure you'll be consistent and not self-serving at all with your logic.
And doubling down on the smug asshole act is also very cool, but we're just going to ignore that for the third time in a row.
Except you can't portray breathing as selfish in any manner since it's a necessary bodily function unlike your desire to pirate which is completely optional. You feel entitled to play something you don't want to or can't pay for. It's selfish behavior.
Except that trippling down on the smug asshole is definitely self-serving behavior and no amount of ignoring it is going to change that. You feel entitled to say something--even if it's lies--that you can't justify for any reason other than to feel superior, regardless if come across as a hypocrite. It's selfish behavior.
I'm not superior to anyone here. I pirate music, movies and games just like you do and it's as selfish as anyone else here who does it.
And yet it's absolutely selfish and self-serving, and now confirmed hypocritical for you to call anyone out on it. All you did all this time was to share your unwanted and negative opinion trying to frame a discussion in a negative light for someone else so that you can feel smug about it for a second. Face it, not only are you admitting now to being a selfish person yourself criticizing someone for the hings that you do, but you're also a confirmed lying asshole trying to make people feel bad for no justifiable reason.