I tell myself there is plenty of time to play the games i bought and then i remember they're all on a single platform and i have to pray they don't shut it down on a whim or some billionaire buys it and runs it into the ground.
What are the odds Steam is still operational amd i have access to the games I've bought in 30-40 years?
I would’ve been one, but I read the reviews and realized it would not be a game I would be interested in and never downloaded on game pass. Cities Skylines II is what I’m looking forward to.
Game pass makes it easy to throw games away if you don't like them in 5 minutes, and starfield has the worst intro to any Bethesda game I've played, from morrowind and forward.
I would guess also a lot of XBOX players download the game on gamepass, and then never open it - since the there isn't any achievement unlocked prior to the one you get for reaching space, I wonder if there is any other way to tell.