Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
Thanks for driving my point home about your memes-based-worldview.
But if you want a source, because you can't Google basic facts, then sure
7 million out of 39 million living in poverty don't have bank accounts. Lol, that's your proof for your argument. And that's not including the working poor. Wow, I don't know what's scarier- the fact that you think this is proof that the PoOr aRe CoNdItiOned tO noT uSe bAnKs- If OnlY thEy'D oPen Savinzgs AcCoUnts, or that you think that you "got me" with that stat. Fucking 🤡
What I think is scary is that people born into immense privilege, like you, think you understand how the "working man" feels, but I console myself with the knowledge that you're not very important.
Lol, go console yourself you fucking retard
I guess if you push a useless mouth too far they have nothing left to do but punch down.
Yes. What a great victory for you. Go console yourself some more 😅
Your parents failed you.
Lol 9d old post. Trying to get the last word. You're a joke.
I was busy, and responded when I saw the notification.
Stop being such a nerd.