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What is the most universal name?

Ofc Mohammed is the most common name but thats a name common within the muslim community. I have noticed the name Sarah in every country, regardless of race or religion. Or it might be an abrahamic religion thing but thats most of the world atleast.

I suspect other Abrahamic names might make the cut.


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  • I would say Astro.

    Okay fine, real answer. According to this, the most common female name in the world is Maria and the most common male name is Mohammed. You can also find a breakdown by continent and country, here.

    • I think you straight up ignored OP's explanation of their question. OP explicitly addressed why Mohammad is not "the most universal name" by his meaning.

      • Then I guess I don't understand the question? Was it not what the most common name in the world is? I don't have many sources to go off of, but according to the site I posted, Mohammed is the most common male name in Africa, Asia and the most common in the world. If it's the most common name in the world, it would make sense that it also happens to be the most common in the muslim community and possibly other communities as well.

        If this was not the question, then what was?

        • OP is kind of asking which names are common in the largest variety of places. Is there a name that's kinda- common on every continent?

          • Okay, I think I understand now. Looking at the names for Africa, Americas, Europe and Oceania, the names David and Maria seem to consistently be in the top 20. I'm intentionally excluding Asia, because their names seem to be wildly different compared to everywhere else.

            Does this answer the question better?

            • yeah, you got it. obviously, since we're trying to balance multiple different factors, it's not necessarily a "correct" response, but it addresses the question directly and well.

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