"Fuck, my life sucks, what can I do to cheer myself up?"
"I know, I'll go into a forum full of Linux users and tell them their OS sucks. I feel productive now. Next I'll find some Pokemon and Startrek fans and troll them too."
I mean it's what serves the back end of all these services in the first place.
If Linux suddenly ceased to exist the internet and most devices we use and even rely on including android phones would become totally useless.
I don't think you can say that something so key to our technological infrastructure is incompatible with reality.
There is simply those of us who for whatever reason (commonly privacy and a level of control no other operating system outside maybe the BSDs offers) choose to use it for our personal desktop computing needs as well.
shit doesn't work on linux Because the developers couldn't bother to make a linux version.
Because "not enough people use it".
And people don't use linux mainly because shit doesn't work on it.