They're just trying to protect us π
They're just trying to protect us π
They're just trying to protect us π
Name one positive thing about weed?
Current cancer patient here. I have a stash of meds around, but weed is the only thing that GIVES me an appetite, while also easing nausea and pain. It does all this without making me constipated and other side effects like my medicine does.
That's great! Sending you best wishes.
Can't have an overdose either. Worst that'll happen is you'll pass out after a bad trip.
Hm. Ok. I was a heavy to moderate user for ten years. I will have to go against this list. I have quit many times. And each time I have had physical withdrawal symptoms. Such as sweating a lot, having nightmares for months after quitting. Reduced appetite the first month. Irritability and so on. So I simply do not agree. Kidney health i do not know about. My kidneys are fine, I think, and I haven't seen any studies done on this. One could argue that it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Because not many things causes liver issues- other than drugs and alcohol that is. I haven't had cancer, but I've had menstrual cramps. And I can't vouch for it helping with cramps. But hey, I'm not everyone. I do have diabetes tho, so I can speak for that. Weed is horrible for diabetics, since smoking reduces your sensitivity to insulin. It also makes you uncontrollably hungry, impulsive and forgetful. So it's an awful combo. Imagine you just had the worst munchies, but you forgot to take your medicine before you ate and now your body is struggling with a high blood sugar. Not the best of times. The only two other things on your list i can speak for is anxiety and depression, there are studies that show that it can worsen those. Of course, it all depends on how you take it. In a controlled environment and with purpose, or just willy nilly. How often and so on. But I would of course not give weed to someone feeling bad without seeing what the root of the problem is, seeing as narcotics most likely will worsen the situation. So I respectfully disagree. But I understand you point of view, especially since I used to think the exact same thing in my twenties.
So in many respects, I'm right there with you. I do not believe the 'it's not physically addictive' bit beyond 'it's not physically addictive with the same severity as cocaine, caffeine, alcohol if a heavy user, etc.'. People often do get physical withdrawl symptoms if they are heavy users that don't taper off. Long-term heavy use can exacerbate depression and anxiety symptoms, though I do wonder about the impact of environmental factors here (the habits that get cemented in some folk's smoking routine). Some people do have pre-existing psychiatric conditions that cannabis can trigger or worsen, and those folks should stay as far away from cannabis as possible for their health.
From a rec drug perspective though, as an occasional thing it can be pretty great for others. We live in stressful times - something that is acutely relaxing with a shortish duration, no hangover, and comparatively few side effects with casual/occasional use is pretty damn useful. The amount of trouble you can find yourself in at high levels of intoxication is pretty low v. many alternatives. And for many people who use it medicinally, it allows for better quality of life compared to drugs with much more severe, acute side effects.
My general take at this point is this: Cannabis is not right for all people at all times. It can be right, or useful, for some people sometimes. In places where it's legal, that's good because fuck going to prison for a plant. But it's legal - not mandatory. Use should be a function of personal choice, with risk management in mind. Ideally, we should be creating a space to think about cannabis in terms of its pros and cons, and provide guidance for those who find themselves getting more of the cons - either around RoA, frequency of use, dosage, or whether it's something they should be using in the first place if things are really bad. But with compassion and a clear-eyed view of what it's actually doing for them on the whole.
Pain relief without opioids.
For you? Or in general?
Any strain for any pain?
Name one positive thing about alcohol? Name one positive thing about caffeine? Name one positive thing about nicotine? π
Note that none of those are scheduled drugs and they all tend to have more adverse effects than cannabis does.
Caffeine - not dying from lack of sleep.
I said name one positive thing about weed, not that other things are bad. So, go on, you still haven't named one positive thing.
Others have replied with positive things, and did so before my comment. I'm pointing out how hypocritical and unconstructive your question is by asking you the same thing about drugs most people don't even bat an eye at.
Honestly, my response would be to do a quick search, but you seem to think Lemmy is your personal Google concierge or something.
And I'm also not "most people" with "most people talking points". Again, two individuals having a conversation. But ok. Be that way.
I'm talking to you as an individual with your own opinions. So, I was asking for your opinion. Others have shared theirs.
You're mean, it seems unnecessary and childish. Is it THAT difficult to have an conversation about potential negatives with weed?
feels better than alcohol while being far less harmful than alcohol
Keeps me from having PTSD dreams about the war.
That's great. Does it keep you from dreaming altogether, or is it strictly about not having the war dreams?
I don't dream at all. Better than having random nightmares.
This is what I suspected. I understand that point of view. I don't wish to meddle in your mental health. Hope you find serenity one day my friend.
It gives me pain relief from my ulcerative colitis and gives me an appetite at the same time. Its what i need, but cant have because my job adheres to USA federal regulations
That's great! Too bad you can't use it. Are there no other medicines that offer the same solutions?
Sulfasalazine helps with inflammation, but that treats the long term maintenance. If i need a short term relief, nothing really helps the same.
Prednisone helps, but obviously way different with massive side effects
Ok, with the names and everything ^^, I don't know enough about those medicines and I won't even pretend to. From what I gathered nothing is as good as weed. Wich is good, that you found something that works. Medical marijuana can be a real life saver, as you already know. This is, to me, the interesting part of it. The rest is fine too, but the real heart of it is how it can help with some very particular illnesses. And not being able to have an actual discussion about lived experiences because of stigma and feelings, is getting in the way of the real discussion. I Wish you nothing but the best.
It smells nice and adds interest to my garden.
As of the research we have right now, it is healthier than alcohol. Note the "-er" I am not saying it is healthy and will have 0 long term effects.
This is kind of my gripe with it,saying that it's healthier- doesn't really mean much. It kinda just makes alcohol look worse. Not weed look better, imo. But thanks for the input and the articles.
It is an alternative to a recreational drug that has a much worse track record. If your take is nobody should use recreational drugs ever, your opinion is invalid in this conversation.
It's not my point. People have been using different form of narcotics for ever. The real question is why though. In this day and age where mental health is important. Why don't we try and go to the root of the problem, if there is a problem that is. So many self medicate and use this point, that it's the best alternative: as a shield. Completely ignoring any negative impact it might have. However no opinion is invalid. Perhaps you don't agree with me. But that's fine for me, I'm not here to argue like that.
The real question is why though.
It is fun? EVERYTHING is bad in excess. Based off your own wording, it seems like you think all drug use is drug abuse.
Also, if you are Pro-choice, you should know that there are some conversations where not everybody's opinion is valid.
Bot drug use, but it's a slippery slope for far too many. Not all, but many. There's a stigma and a hardcore belief that you cannot get addicted, no way no how. The negatives are something to be aware of. To be able to make an informed decision. Based on my wording there shouldn't be anything indicating that all use is abuse, but I'll have to backtrack to make sure.
I think we are having two seperate conversations, you are talking about drug abuse/habitual addiction, while I am addressing your original comment of "name one positive about weed."
The main topic of the OG post is about legalization of weed.
Also to your edit on the last reply, this is not a topic of pro choice. This is an entirely different discussion, where all opinions are valid. We're not talking about pro choice here. I'm also not American so "pro choice" or "pro life" is not even a discussion where I'm from. Don't get it twisted. However, this whole conversation with you is starting to feel very unproductive and tiresome. So, good night. Peace, have a great life my friend.
You as well.
Yes. You can read the sentence "name one positive thing about weed" as confrontational or as a start of a discussion. You can enter the discussion hostile or factual. All up to you. People didn't take it very well (see the downvotes). And I can see why, people think it's "name one good thing because weed fucking sucks man". However, it wasn't. It was meant as "name one thing" simple. And then I have a cautionary tale, wich is not something that wants to be discussed. It's usually "no it's all good because it's better than alcohol and opioids and it helps me". Wich are all valid point, but not the only point. To really help people and be preventative, we need to look at all the experiences. I have more than ten years of it. It counts. My story is not the only story, but I share it with many. It should not be overlooked.
It makes video games so much more intense and immersive. Gaming on any other substance (or sober*) is boring by comparison.
(edit: That said, it's even more immersive on psychedelics, but it's also kind of hard to focus on a game when you're too busy discovering the meaning of life. But during the comeup it's really fun due to the sensory enhancement. You can pinpoint enemy locations with millimeter precision.)