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Today I'm listening to a bunch of Resistant Culture (formerly Resistant Militia) and doing small acts of resistance - mainly de-trashing my neighborhood and breaking down stuff for the recycle bins. I also changed my voter registration and deleted my amazon/audible account.

Small acts, but I hope to they help strengthen my local community.

  • You should check out SOAD!

    • I like System of a Down quite a lot, actually :D, excellent suggestion

      • Let me throw you a curve ball then, have you heard "Fuck White People", by Andrew Jackson Jihad? It's on "Candy, Cigarettes and Cap-Guns".

        • I have not! That I gotta go look for :) Been really into punk and metal lately for like... obvious societal reasons. Alien Weaponry, Bloodywood, Raised Under Regan, Resistant Culture, Nechochwen, Xibalba, Bad Religion