Wells Fargo Is Plotting to Privatize the Post Office
Wells Fargo Is Plotting to Privatize the Post Office

Wells Fargo Is Plotting to Privatize the Post Office

Wells Fargo Is Plotting to Privatize the Post Office
Wells Fargo Is Plotting to Privatize the Post Office
If I was put in charge of a privatized Post Office I 'd start by stopping regular mail service and focus on packages. Just not profitable enough.
Thank you for articulating one of the many reasons that it should not be privatized.
It’s a public fucking service. It’s not supposed to be profitable. It was never intended to be profitable. Asking “but where’s the profit” about fucking EVERYTHING is literally the cancer that’s killing our civilization in general, and this country in particular.
And that's what they mean when they want to run the government like a business... It's been clear from the current administration that their goal is to get rid of everything that doesn't bring in profit... Because the numbers must go up... It's so frustrating... This is just another level... The business's that lobby to make everything shitty are now trying to cut out the middle man I guess....
I agree. I am was just talking about a hypothetical privatized postal co. It is a service. Imagine how many people would send Christmas cards at $10 a card.
The vast, VAST majority of physical letters that are sent out these days are mass mailers from corporations or hard copy documents. I’d be willing to bet that the average zoomer has probably sent less than 10 actual letters in their life.
Some things -and I know this is wild- do not need to be profitable! Courts, fire departments, schools.... There are segments of a functioning society that have nothing to do with making money! I know it sounds Cuckoo bananas and like some woke Marxist shit but those beloved Founding Fathers they talk about on Fox News wrote about weird ideas like "Common Defense" and "General Welfare" and "Pursuit of Happiness" Not so much on profitability.
They want to privatize schools too. They are morons whom probably drank to much lead as kids.
These are the folks that don't understand King Midas is a cautionary tale.
The Gilded Age 2 Electric Boogaloo
Profit shouldn't be the point