Fabric softener is a scam
Fabric softener is a scam
Fabric softener is a scam
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Yeah I'm not putting all that effort and potentially ruining my washing machine to save me a few cents per wash. That seems ridiculous.
You don't even have to buy the fancy, expensive, in a pod detergent or anything, considering they always contain the same stuff that comes in a box/bottle. Just buy whatever's cheap.
Yea, making your own laundry detergent from grated soap and borax seems like something people with money do to convince themselves they're frugal. When in reality, there is no way in hell you're making a commodity cheaper than GreatValue (tm)
Yeah, the cheap standard powder detergent would probably be less expensive. The volume you'd need to make to beat it is huge. Like, maybe five years' worth.
I am also laughing at making washing powder in the oven to save money. The amount you'd spend on electricity would put you in the red, unless you live in a petrostate with free electricity or something.
Lol yeah I didn't even consider that. At this point it almost feels like some of that has to be trolling. Either that or there is a large detergent hobbyist community out there that I have just not been aware of.
The amount of free time you'd have to have, as well, to even consider baking the powder for an hour per round to make it usable... After a certain point my time is valuable to me and I'd rather just pay a dollar or two extra to not have to worry about all this mess.
Indeed. Or working for prison slave wages.
Not just the effort, but by the time you buy all those ingredients, you're probably paying more than you would for normal laundry detergent.
And if you use Dr. Bronner's bar soap as recommended, you'll be paying out the ass.
Not to mention the gas to go to the three separate stores you probably need to buy that shit from.
Eh, all of that stores really well, so buy in bulk.