Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website
Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website

Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website

Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website
Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website
How is the US military taking this?
President Imaginary Bone Spurs so eager to be racist that he's openly disrespecting war heroes. Pretty interesting conflict of ideology.
Because the military obviously consists of professional bootlickers.
So long, world. It was nice knowing you.
He's always disrespected the military.
I'd forgotten about that. Being onside with your military is dictatorship 101, what is he thinking?
It isn't even Dictatorship 101. It's been something since the Romans, probably since before the bronze age collapse.
You keep the people who have guns and training happy. Or Else.
The Romans certainly provide a lot of examples of it.