We live in a public transit hell
We live in a public transit hell
We live in a public transit hell
american trains look better and nobody will ever pry that fact from my cold dead hands.
You clearly need to look at more train pictures
I am sure there are magnificent american trains but some american trains are probably ugly too
My point is: beauty is not bound by borders and there is so much out there
all the euro trains look like futuristic renders of trains, american trains make me feel happy.
euro trains will simply never compare, also the E bell goes hard, and you will never take that away from me.
Have you seen the trains in the Netherlands?
can't say i have, but im assuming it's safe to say they look pretty boring.
Based on what do you think it's safe to say that?
based on the american trains that i live around.
IDK, they're just more visually pleasing to me. European trains just look like the proof of concept render of what a train will look like.
You sound very confident for someone who clearly hasn't even seen half the trains Europe has to offer.
It's like confidently saying you Ford Fiesta is the best car in the world, but you've never even seen a Mercedes C63 AMG.
I'm starting to think you're just trolling at this point either that or you're extremely dense
admittedly it should've been fairly obvious i was being silly from the get go, i literally only complained about european trains "looking ugly"
a completely subjective and harmless complaint lmao. Of which i stand by 100%