Please don't stop hating guys it's working
Please don't stop hating guys it's working
The depression for fElon is sinking in.. don’t stop making fun of him
Please don't stop hating guys it's working
The depression for fElon is sinking in.. don’t stop making fun of him
The full quote is even worse.
My companies make great products that people love and I’ve never physically hurt anyone.
So why the hate and violence against me?
Because I am a deadly threat to the woke mind parasite and the humans it controls.
So basically he's saying - "I never harm anyone...the left only hates me because I'm a deadly threat to them (and that thing I made up to dismiss everything they say)"
Also, just wanna point out he's definitely killed/is killing people.
I'm so glad that I was taught how to diagram sentences in middle school because when I see something like this I immediately strip it down to it's most basic structure. "I am a threat to humans."
teenagers: "Why do we ever need this?"
teachers: "To take down fascism"
Self admitted deadly threat to humans. Got it.
This guy is LARPing Hitler in real time at this point.
he could have made different choices, he simply didn't.
Some of the whites under apartheid went on to be good people. We just lost an amazing one the other day.
I know he had an evil family but it's Musk's choice to lean into it.
Not trying to "endorse" whites under apartheid. I literally protested it and participated in the boycott of them.
Ethnicity isn't what makes people evil. Even if you are born into an evil society it's what you choose to do about that which determines if you are evil.
Targeting people because of their race instead of who they are and what they do - that WAS Apartheid. It's lazy thinking at best and at worst it leads to all the same discrimination and other evil shit we are up against.
Well I agree with all that.
True. Hopefully enough people agree with us that his reign ends.
Is the woke mind parasite in the room with us, Elon?
God I wish I was
This in combination with the retweet about "Hitler didn't kill millions" is really frightening!