“Awful”: Roku tests autoplaying ads loading before the home screen
“Awful”: Roku tests autoplaying ads loading before the home screen

Users are unimpressed, eager to toss devices if test sticks.

“Awful”: Roku tests autoplaying ads loading before the home screen
Users are unimpressed, eager to toss devices if test sticks.
That’s not how they operate.
That's literally the implication that I'm talking about that you say I'm projecting onto this. You don't know the future, that can change.
To quote you:
I said they would not inject ads like this
And I'm saying you don't know that they won't do that in the future. But keep clarifying yourself more, I'm sure it will help clear it up.
I'm not the one defending a corporation that literally hid behind their CEOs coming out story to avoid bad press about their tax dodging... Tax dodging which helped them get their obscene warchest today. Apple isn't your friend and doesn't care that you exist, dude.
Cry more and go suck some more corporate dick while you're at it.