Please don't stop hating guys it's working
Please don't stop hating guys it's working
The depression for fElon is sinking in.. don’t stop making fun of him
Please don't stop hating guys it's working
The depression for fElon is sinking in.. don’t stop making fun of him
Apparently it only counts if you hurt people physically. Hurting their finances, support systems, healthcare, employment prospects are all fine.
I find it telling he had the self awareness to add that caveat, but in typical fashion, couldn't follow the train of thought far enough to arrive at the logical conclusion. "I've taken away safety nets from the people, most are one paycheck short of being on the streets with nothing to lose, but what's up with all these threats!?"
There's a recent unironic Hitler Did Nothing Wrong sentiment that points out he never pulled the trigger or a lever on anyone.
I think Musk is going that route.
It's also been used to defend Brian the dead health insurance CEO.
There's a recent unironic Hitler Did Nothing Wrong sentiment that points out he never pulled the trigger or a lever on anyone.
You mean the one he specifically amplified on his own site? Methinks he sees some parallels himself.
He thinks he's orders of magnitude smarter than anyone else and nobody with guts could possibly see those parallels.
Frankly, we've been doing a great job of proving him correct.
He's still quite happy, healthy, and wealthy.
I highly doubt he is happy
I think he's about as happy as any human being can be. Sure he has his less than perfect, probably performative sad moments on camera, but as they say, it's hard to frown on a jetski.
I know this is beside the point & off topic, but Hitler is well known for pulling the trigger at least once...
::: spoiler spoiler
He did what many time travelers aspire to.
Oh, no. I don't think you fully understand. He's aware of what he's doing to us. But as far as he's concerned, we simply do not have the right to be upset about any of this, let alone fight back.
That is the way elites parasites think. That's how truly twisted they're minds, not to mention morals, have become. The pain is intentional. But he honestly believes we deserve to be hurt, and further that he's doing is a favor by reminding us of "our place".
Don't make the mistake of sympathizing with the enemy.
It's not that we deserve to be hurt, it's that he is helpng us, saving us and the pain that comes with that isn't his fault. It's the fault of the oppressors he has saved us from.
Oh, I still think you're being far more charitable than you realize. To people like him, we're lesser. But their warped views rob themselves of a certain, I dunno, fulfillment. And if he's not happy, and we're less than him...
"Elites parasites are sociopathic to the extreme. This poisons every thought, choice, and action. They do not think like you. This basic empathy you keep circling back to? The very definition of sociopath is that they do not have the ability to empathize.
It really is much worse than you seem to think.
Not hard to believe.
Prob is always hard to cite the this kind of claim but idk, whatcha been reading where?
Source? Straight out of my ass, technically. In other words I didn't have anything good to refer you to off the top of my head, but if you start just with the dictionary definition of sociopath you should see what I'm basing my argument from.
😉 thanks
"It's not like I killed anybody. I mean, I gave the orders but they didn't say no."
Exactly. Just like fElon reminded us the other day - it was the public workers that killed people, not Hitler.
You could literally torture people to death without physically hurting them.
He's just drawing a false equivalence between not physically hurting people and never harming people.
I'm sure the people that he's targeted on social media feel harmed, like the "pedo guy" for example.
No one realizes the damage an insurance company can do, because they are all clean and and they have shiny offices.
They never stabbed anyone.