5.5 be like
5.5 be like
5.5 be like
Play Pathfinder, like an adult.
Pathfinder is superior to D&D ethically, morally and mechanically. Fight me.
I agree, but D&D's simpler mechanics means newer players won't get overwhelmed and will let them learn how to do the other, less crunchy parts of RPGs that they would have little to no experience in. Its popularity also means there are more sources to look for help. (If anyone yells at me to look at a simpler TTRPG, Utopia is amazing and is simple enough (excepting the crafting). I would just like newer players to have more resources they can research).
I'll fight you! In a game of Pathfinder of course.
Roll Lore: Gaming for initiative!
I got two wizards and a skull. What the fuck is up with these dice
Let people play what they want to play.
Sure, but every time someone's like "I'm going to do a game of secret modern day vampires doing political intrigue in DND" I'm going to judge them.
Sorry, wanted it to come off as a joke. I think Pathfinder is better, but I love dnd too.
Doesn't mean people can't give and receive recommendations!
Right, but I don't think calling people children for playing one game over another is the way to do it.
No, that's true.
I'm over here enjoying Changeling: the Dreaming.
Branch out and play all kinds of systems!
Would love to, but I don't have that amount of time or money.
Play GURPS, like a real adult.