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  • Do you prefer story arcs or bottle episodes?

    Optimistic or dark stories?

    • I know DS9 is considered the "dark stories" one, but it's still bursting with optimism compared with the majority of scifi out there.

    • I just go for thought-provoking. TNG S2 has been excellent for the most part (I've started with TNG).

      • Isn’t “thought provoking“ is kinda the whole point of sci-fi?

        All 3 series have plenty of those, as well as their share of dud episodes. DS9 leans heavier into stories of war/colonialism. VOY is more about survival in desperate circumstances.

        • Isn’t “thought provoking“ is kinda the whole point of sci-fi?

          Of good sci-fi. I heard ST:Picard missed the mark for many, for example.