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  • Is there a group of people who use the downvote button as an emotional confirmation tool now a la reddit style?

    Am thinking of my recent encounters with still no responses; and many others that have completely hid behind the "disengage rule".

    • i never interacted with r*ddit but my first ever post (my introductory one) for some reason has a fucking downvote, i will never understand why

      do people hate me this much? are my shitposts that bad?

      my effortposts based on a hyperfixation i have barely get traction but my shitposts sometimes skyrocket. and i still get downvote. hell, i literally don't get anything in my foss game posts. i don't feel like writing them anymore cause of it.

      i planned on making a post based on a comment i made here on c/games but what's the point if i'd just get zero looksies and thus zero interest in open source games that i personally enjoy?

      • Nope groups of pathetic fucks who call themselves proudly "plague rats" (anti-vaxxers) or whatever other fucking garbage shit. Wastes of time that I have to deal with in person every single day. Why bother sometimes when people just shit out of their mouths, right?

        I just do it anyways because fuck it and fuck them. Really all there is to it.

        • what the fuck is a plague rat? they don't die in 3 seconds due to severe poisoning

          i genuinely do not understand the phenomenon cause i never heard of it

          • Am wondering if it's some proud "anti-vaxxer" bullshit. Lack of response only gets more and more suspicious.

            • i know people who are anti-vaxxers. they're extremely vocal, i think the ones you are talking about are a different kind compared to the ones that i know

              they use me as proof that vaccines cause you autisms and shit and that vaccines are "the devil"

              romania is starting to get more and more anti-vax cause of covid. like they already don't trust the government much, so now far right romanian news outlets are all in on antivax shit because "the leaked 8chan". my entire family became anti-vax cause of some incidents surrounding me and "autistic traits"

              "they injected you with adhd!!! they made you a vegetable!!!!!!", i heard it all

              fucking hell. i don't wanna mention chemtrails and flat earth, i know people that believe in those too. i talked about it some time ago here so idk

              • That's really shitty, I'm really sorry to hear that. I despise people using others specific inherent traits (disability, personality, etc) to confirm their beliefs.

                • the fuck i ever did to them, i just got born with all that and they think it's the measles vaccinvaccine lmfao

                  i know that capitalism allows these conspiracies to exist to undermine leftist thought but i will never understand that. i know the reason, but my brain refuses to understand it. like, my entire family believes in chemtrails and blame them for every sickness they get. it makes no sense realistically but they believe in it with all their heart

    • All I can say, as someone that used Reddit for almost a decade and now is on Lemmy for a while: do not care about votes. Yes, people use it as a "I agree" or "I disagree" button, but you shouldn't use it as a validation tool. Especially on Lemmy where your account doesn't have karma.

      • One of the things that was nice in difference to those websites was that it was used as an actual disagreement or agreement tool. Usually, I use it and then explain my thoughts if it's negative or vice versa if it's positive. On Reddit they use it like a emotional validation/response tool and don't even bother to ever explain anything. That's why I thought there was no karma to prevent shit like that.