Remember me comrades!
Remember me comrades!
Remember me comrades!
You have no idea what socialism is whatsoever, do you?
I do. But I find the concept of just "socialism" a bit boring to talk about, due to obvious reasons
If you think any flavour of socialist "just hasn't discovered social democracy", then no, you don't know what socialism is. Any socialist already knows about it, and probably believed in it once, but moved past it after learning that it's insufficient.
Uh, I think you dont know what socialism is. Read up on it. This comment tree is not about it anyway so please start another one if you want to discuss socialism. Or at least make sure you
A: let everyone know youre going OT
B: know what you are talking about.
Thank you
WTF exactly do you think socialism is, if you think it's off topic?
You mentioned tankies. Tankie is a pejorative for Marxism-Leninism, a form of socialism.
You mentioned communism. Communism is a form of socialism.
You mentioned social democracy - a concept many ignorant people confuse with socialism.
You also intimated that MLs simply "haven't discovered social democracy" - a statement that can only be said by someone who thinks social democracy is "socialism done right".
You also intimated that MLs simply “haven’t discovered social democracy”
This is especially completely hilarious for anyone actually reading even a wiki page and knowing that the the most historically important M-L party, CPSU, was originally named literally Russian Social Democratic Labour Party and that all marxists called themselves social-democrats for a decades, until the bulk of them betrayed the working class and supported imperialism in WW1.
Fascinating how the guys most enthusiastic about communism and socialism have the least clue on what it is. Please, educate yourself, they are quite simple ideas, which is why they are the ideology of the uneducated and violent
Then explain to me what it is and why it is violent. I wager you can't.
Reality (its a thing) is a bit of a giveaway
Reality, huh? So... the world outside. Okay, I'll go pick up a rock and see if the answer is under there.
C'mon, man. I thought you said it was simple? Should be easy for you to explain :)
Communism as an ideology is always supported by the uneducated, communism always leads into violence.
Reality is opening your eyes and seeing a creature with hooves that says moo and calling it a cow.
Communism is being delusional with a thin view on morality and ethics and supporting/doing a genocide.
Quite simple.
No, i asked you to explain what communism is. Not describe how you view it.
What are its axioms, what do its supporters believe? What is its goal, and what methods does it promote to achieve them?
What does it oppose? What are its philosophical bases? What is its praxis? Who are some influential thinkers in the field, and what theories did they add?
Hell, here's an even easier one: can you even name a single communist philosopher?