Anon gets rid of crackheads
Anon gets rid of crackheads
Anon gets rid of crackheads
It's the second definition online for me so exactly one.
The spirit of apology is not saying sorry dude. You don't need it anyway and she didn't ask for it. You're the weird demanding one.
It’s the second definition online for me
Which means you intentionally scrolled past the most common definition which requires you to be sorry because it proved you wrong.
The spirit of apology is not saying sorry dude.
Good luck being single the rest of your life lol
No I used my preferred dictionary not the one paid for by a company to be at the top.
Good luck being single the rest of your life lol
Projection much? Legit that's the most disgruntled single person shit I've ever heard. You want to hit some other incel talking points while you're at it?
No I used my preferred dictionary
Urban dictionary? You skipped the first definition because it included the word sorry and made you look like a moron.
Projection much?
Nah, been happily married 10 years, ya incel. Sounds like I hit a nerve.
It's Webster's you absolute bafoon.
Nah, been happily married 10 years, ya incel. Sounds like I hit a nerve.
Either you're trying to fuck me or you have personal relationship issues so if you aren't single I fear for your partner of nothing else but for your stupidity and ego.
You picked the second definition on Webster's because the first one made you look like a clown. The second one is even marked "excuse" because it's being used in the literary sense and not in the sense of apologising to someone.
Fucking lol
Is today the day you find out words can have multiple interpretations? Do you think they list two for personal amusement?
Yes, an apology without a sorry is an excuse, it's also by definition an appology. English is fun and you are dumb.
Lol, you realise the 1. And 2. On a dictionary imply separate contexts, right? You intentionally chose the context for apology that applies to a defence of criticism in literature, not a person to person apology for a mistake made.
You've made yourself a clown and now you're doubling down. It's so rich, I love it. I'm going to end this little exchange on this delicious high note. Enjoy your weekend with your hand, buddy, because I won't respond anymore, I'll just let you impotently stew in it!
Yes the context is one includes a sorry the other does not do remind me again, does it at all say it's not an accurate definition?
So again, Rose doesn't want anything here. So why is a hollow sorry to you of all people a reasonable step? Do you want a genuine answer or do you just want to feel like their white knight?
To me its fairly fucked up you assume a woman cant defend herself and instead take their outage onto yourself so you feel better. You're pathetic.