Very American, tovarisch
Very American, tovarisch
Very American, tovarisch
fakэ aнd geи
Why aяе уоц geэ?
Фєк энд ґє
Say what you want about the Russian people, it's government, the culture, even the food.
The language got absolutely fucked with that alphabet.
Let's take an Asian tribal language and have two Greek guys force a Latin alphabet on it.
There isn't a language on earth that wears its alphabet worse than English.
French does come close, tho, which explains some 30-40% of english's nonsensical fuckery
We took French, mangled it, added German, Spanish and sailor, and then had a bar fight. What rolled out is the English language.
Slavic languages are related to other European languages closer than Finnish and Hungarian, also the writing system Cyril introduced was Glagolitic, the reason Cyrillic appeared was because students in Bulgaria didn't want to use the rather complex glagolitic alphabet for everything and already knew the greek alphabet, so they kind of combined them and created Cyrillic
Also, Cyrillic can represent features like palatalization better than the Latin alphabet does, not saying it's the best for everything but it does have advantages