Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity
Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity
Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity
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Who gives a FUCK what the clergy think???? Ask the scientists and be done with it, otherwise you may as well just open a damn suggestion box and let any old moron have their say.
The only experience clergy have here is the “sex with underage children” part.
A lot of people think the clergy are good at figuring out ethical stuff. To be fair they get a lot of education on ethics in relation to their religion. So a clergy person who operates in good faith (haha but I couldn't think of a better way to state it) could actually be a good resource. One operating in bad faith though can do a lot of damage.
Where the fuck were those conversations on ethics during the spanish inquisition, or the opening of the flood gates that was the catholic church pedophilia sexual abuse scandal that seems to never end? Or had they not figured out ethics at that point?
Unfortunately ethics education does not equal ethical actions. Ethics have also seriously evolved since the Inquisition.
I would argue they’ve evolved in the wrong direction. Case in point what’s happening in gaza.
All of Ethics has evolved in the wrong direction? Religious ethics? Jewish ethics? Or Israeli religious radical ethics?
Because you're going to have a hard time finding someone who practices Ethics supporting Israel's war crimes.
I would say the ethics of humanity as a whole. it may be hard to find someone with a true ethical backbone who supports Israel. But with every reputable journalistic outlet supporting this level of blatant war criminality it seems that in the mainstream sense at least, ethics have devolved a century in the last 50 years. Yes some people like us see a duck and call it a duck. But you cant really say that is the direction the field of ethics has headed in this time regardless of what people are being taught in ethics classes. When all the major news outlets (circularly owned by the same bunch of wall street military and prison industry profiteers) are entirely unethical then isn't it fair to say the concept of ethical behavior in our society has certainly regressed?
Where ethics matter are where they are put into practice and it seems obvious to me that ethics as a school of philosophy/social silence does not have a meaningful role in the actions of our leaders and the news outlets insulating them from consequence at every turn. Ethics have taken a back seat to continuous growth and corporate militsrism.
I wouldn't call journalists the heart of the field either. We certainly don't think of them as political scientists, philosophers, or economists.
True, but for many people who do not know any better they are the arbiters of reality.
Yeah, that's something we need to change.
Need to attack the problem at the root, corporatism which is a synonym of fascism. Personally I don’t see a solution to fix things that doesn't involve violent revolution. Even if enough of the bottom 70% of workers could all get together and strike, at minimum 35% of the bottom initiating a general strike that will continue until terms are met. But even then i feel that will lead to violent militarized suppression from the owner class who will force people striking to work. Those in power have made a real mess of things.
Oh yeah, the clergy is so well known for their ethics... If you ignore the rampant sexual abuse, and their disgustingly callous attempts at covering up by shuffling literal pedophiles to other parishes where they can continue to sexually abuse children.
But sure, if you ignore all that institutionalized, systemic sexual abuse of minors, then yeah they're great with ethics!
Did I say they were all bastions of ethics?
Hard disagree. Clergy are all full of shit and most even realize it on some level. I'd take a homeless drunk person's advice over any member of clergy. They are all pedophiles, hucksters, morons, or cultists.
I don't agree. I've met some clergy that obviously have a sincere belief and were willing to counsel people without bringing God into the discussion. But I will admit they seemed like they already wanted to do that kind of work; not that seminary or their church brought that out in them.
You can believe something sincerely, while still being completely wrong. In fact, it happens all of the time
Yep. But whether their god is real or not is beside the point here.
sincere belief....
I covered that. Those are the morons. Religious ethics is an oxymoron.
Sure. Be careful with those edges, you might cut yourself.
🙄 I'm sure your religion is the infallible one right? I think you are also in the moron category.
I'm an atheist and I agree with the other person
You are an atheist that listens to clergy? Why in the fuck would you ever? Seems like an astronomer saying "we should still listen to astrology, they have valid points."
I think you don't know me or my personal views on spirituality at all and you're making some wild assumptions.
You dodging the question indicates the assumption isn't that wild.
Lmao. I'm under no obligation to tell you anything about myself.
No one said you were.
I think ethicists should be consulted, not just scientists.