2024 was the year gamers really started pushing back on the erosion of game ownership
2024 was the year gamers really started pushing back on the erosion of game ownership

Talk about getting owned.

2024 was the year gamers really started pushing back on the erosion of game ownership
Talk about getting owned.
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OK: Some of the arguments seem a bit out-there. A proposed class-action lawsuit saying players of The Crew were "duped" by Ubisoft compared the situation to the publisher entering peoples' homes and stealing parts of a pinball machine.
Which part of that is "out there"?
Yeah, if they want to claim digital piracy is theft, then them doing this stuff is just as they described
I'm not sure who expected an online game to exist forever. Not the first time the lights have been shut off like this.
Everything needed to run the game online exists player side. There are many games where people run their own servers because of this, even in WoW. They are literally taking things to disable this ability from what they purchased.
And blizzard never supported people running private servers, and yet here they are so what's the difference? I dont see why this game got so much more attention. Is it just pulling the game to sell the next one? Its scummy but its their right to pull their own product if they want to, and noone has to buy the new one.
They did, but that was 9 years ago, so you might not remember. However it was not as popular a movement yet, so they didn't get the same backlash as people are getting almost 10 years later, when everyone is sick of this. You are right, they can pull their own product if they want to, now. The goal is to make it so they can't just do that if they want to, anymore.
If you are referring to blizzard and private servers 9 years ago, you might mean classic servers but blizzard still sends out legal cease and desists to private server owners. You still cannot host a private server on american soil without blizzard stopping you. If thats not what you meant then thats my bad though.
I also fully expect ubisoft to release "the crew remastered" at some point too, once its clear they can make a profit off doing so, just like blizzard did.
I mean they started shutting it down 9 years ago, it isn't new, so it isn't really news now
Point was, this is about making it so they don't have the option to do this anymore, with the legal system.
I dont think its fair that is imposed on creators of video games. Is there some clause where this only applies to the developers we all dont like? I think its too much to mandate, although making voices heard about this is important in influencing developers to choose to not kill their games. I think a law is too far.
They will just have to stick to advertised timelines, and allow people to use that software, as they please, after they stop supporting it. I do not see how this is unfair.
It's also not some unknown black magic to make online games exist forever. We know how to do it.
What online games have existed forever without needing the community to reverse engineer it?
Quake is one of the oldest ones out there. Any game where you can host the server yourself can exist forever. It used to be very common that the server code was provided to you with your copy of the game.
I was referring to live service games like MMOs but thats sort of a good example. Should mmo developers release games with the server code so people can just use their own instead?
Most developers release server code when its a benefit for them and their userbase. Most developers won't when its a benefit for their userbase but not themselves.
The stop canceling games movement is overly broad. Also, how is the crew the game everyones going to bat for? Did noone know of ubisoft before they bought the game? Stop buying ubisoft.
Live service games are just about defined by not releasing their servers. Just because they don't, it doesn't mean they shouldn't. With any luck, a court somewhere will decide that reasonable consumers cannot adequately tell the difference between a game with an expiration date, like the Crew, and a game that will last.
Theres no assumption even physical games will last. Physical copies degrade and are not produced anymore, and companies stop providing servers to download games from as well.
Could you explain why anyone would have an expectation the game they bought would work forever?
Because the copy of Mario they bought 40 years ago still works, as does the copy of Quake they bought 30 years ago.
So the average user, who we are talking about, is the type of person to keep NES carts in working order for 40 years, or to somehow keep their quake CD working for 30 years? And the NES itself surely still works on top of that.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong but quake won't run on modern OSs without an emulator, so I dont know how that helps.