I would wonder.
I would wonder.
I would wonder.
Nobody says "Won't someone think of their kids?" when celebrating a mass shooter or a drug kingpin or a foreign dictator being deposed. It's a shitty argument here, too.
Nobody says "what about their kids" when a poor single parent stealing food to live ends up in jail and their kids in foster care.
They are absolutely thinking of the children. They are thinking about how much more likely they are to end up in the system, more slave labour from the next generation.
Those criminals would have raised their kids to be criminals, too. It’s good the kids will be taken away to be raised by a system that will [checks notes] orphan them, abuse them, and raise them to be institutionalised. That will totally fix the problems of generational poverty and waste of societal potential, preventing those kids from becoming adults who have to steal food so their own kids can live.
Yeah I never heard anyone say "won't someone think of Osama bin Laden's, like, 30 fukken kids?" Genghis Khan had so many goddam kids that we're still finding bits of Mongol warlord genome stuck in random places like it's craft glitter. Fuckin' Leopold II had four kids, went off to make people-hand soup down in the Congo, and then had three more kids while he was doing it! This is not necessarily an indicator of virtue, folks!
Short for 'fukkeng', obviously; whatever the hell that means. Sounds like a city in China.
The reporting on Brian Thompson feels similar to as if Igor Kirillov (Russian general killed in the scooter bombing) was being reported by Russia Today on how his two kids and wife love him and anonymous staffers praising his work.
Nobody says “Won’t someone think of their kids?” when celebrating a mass shooter or a drug kingpin or a foreign dictator being deposed.
I've heard it said unironically a few times about dictators we're allied with who have a sudden fall from grace. The Shah of Iran, the Batista Regime in Cuba, and the brief failed Jeanine Áñez coup in Bolivia all leap to mind. I'm sure we'll get some kind of "President Yoon was a cool dude with a family why is everyone in South Korea so mean to him?" Op-Ed sooner or later. We just stuck the head of Al Qaeda in Syria in charge of the country and I don't doubt we'll get a bunch of "Damn, what a cool guy I can't believe he got got his family will be so sad" stories if he ever accidentally swallows a hand grenade in a power dispute.
And I can't count the number of articles, TV Shows, and movies that try to lionize the CIA. They're some of the biggest drug runners on the planet. Hell "Charlie Wilson's War" might as well have been "Dr. Heroin the Child Rapist or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Mujaheddin".
And then you've got the real heavy hitters like American Sniper and Rambo II. Talk about celebrating mass shooters.