Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
I am confused by your reply. What is the "rock" I am buying?
Did you watch the video? The rock that keeps tigers away is like voting that makes organizing easier.
Politicians react to organized mass movements, rather than elections. You got it backwards.
I did watch the video. I agree that mass movements are what is required for change. I don't understand, what am I buying?
You're "buying" that elections make organizing easier. Just like Homer is buying that a rock can keep tigers away.
How would having a more evil leader, one who hypothetically locks down freedom of speech and starts arresting people, make organizing easier?
Seems like that would make it harder to do.
I don't know how to explain to you that the issues we're facing are systemic and don't depend on the "right" individual being a leader.
How did we get here? I never said we needed to have a "right" specific individual being a leader.
All I'm saying is that I believe that if I have a choice to organize a progressive movement under either 100% Hitler or 90% Hitler. I would choose 90% Hitler. I feel like I'm not alone in that.
As I said: it's a systemic issue. I don't know how to explain that to you.
Which specific issue is systemic?
I'm confused because you keep on jumping around to different points, you argue against positions that I don't have, and you don't directly answer any of my follow-up questions.
If I wasn't sure that you honestly believe what you are saying, I would accuse you of intentionally muddying the water. This looks a lot like psyop stuff.
The issue the meme is decrying: that the political landscape and discourse is shifting to the right.
How often do I need to repeat that I don't know how to explain it to you?
I agree with that. I never disagreed with the meme.
It has never been my position that voting for the lesser evil will solve all of our problems or bring about a progressive government.
I have only ever argued that voting for the lesser evil will give the people who are trying to organize (us) a better environment for doing so. Voting for the lesser evil helps with the organization. It's weird to me that people are against voting for the lesser evil. I don't get it, I hope someone can explain it to me.
Can you please stop assuming what positions I have?