The deer aren't crossing the road
The deer aren't crossing the road
The deer aren't crossing the road
OK, I'll explain this to you. Using the word as an insult means that it's a bad thing to be. For example, the word sinister refers to left-handed people (though so far removed that most don't know this). It was used to say something is evil, and in turn to call people who are left-handed evil. It was insulting to left-handed people by association.
If, for example, I were to use blonde to refer negatively to someone, it'd imply that it's wrong to be blonde and blondes should be ashamed of who they are, right? Consider how you'd feel if we used a part of who you are as an insult. You wouldn't enjoy seeing it used probably, right? Hopefully you'd have some empathy and stop, but maybe that's too much to ask for.
Acting like you're actually the one being oppressed is honestly hilarious while you insult a group of people.
I was insulting deer ffs, people never even entered the equation
So you can call deer the n word by that logic?
They aren't likely to have any strong feelings on the matter
But black people might. Do you really not see the problem of casually using slurs as insults?
The vast majority of people are mature enough and intelligent enough to be capable of telling the basic ass difference between when a word is targeted towards them and when it is being used as nothing more than a simple word. Especially when that word is only ever used in reference to an animal literally incapable of even comprehending our social structure, let alone be offended by it. If you are offended by a word that is neither directed at you nor even contextually relevant to you, then you alone are choosing to bring that harm to yourself. It is not my responsibility or anyone else's to protect you from your own immaturity and choices.
Being scared to say certain words just because in some contexts it is used to harm is fucking stupid and it does not solve a single, real problem. It creates a bunch of problems by annihilating productive conversations and distracting from real issues, such as when the word is actually weaponized and used to harm. I will die on my much more logical hill that I have NEVER used any of these scary words to cause any harm other than the harm that people like you invent to feel like you are fighting some injustice in the world. Grow the fuck up and put your energy toward solving legitimate problems like actual racism, or our disintegrating climate, or our rapidly diminishing civil rights, or maybe anything other than trying to policing the use of a word whose meaning will literally change in the next few years anyway.
Really defending slurs now, huh
You would've loved HP Lovecraft's cat, I'm sure
I think we simply have differing definitions of what a slur actually is:
I contend that I have targeted no one and therefore have not used a slur
It's targeted at that group even when you apply it to someone who's not in that group. If a bunch of white people call each other the n word, is that acceptable for you? If someone goes through the streets yelling it, at no one in particular, is that okay? Intent and target does play a role, that's obvious, but they don't excuse the use in general.
Did you even read the og comments? We were fucking talking about deer, this never needed to be anything more than that.
If someone wants to yell the n-word up and down a public street, then yeah, it is entirely within their right to do so. They're probably gonna look like an annoying crackhead, but still. Now, if they were to direct that word towards someone with the intention of causing harm or use it in a loaded situation, then that would be an entirely different story. Skin colour really shouldn't have anything to do with any part of this, there is a solid argument to be made that race doesn't even exist (racism and all that very much do exist, but lets not go down this rabbit hole) and really shouldn't even be a factor when determining acceptability of something.