The reason being saturated fats are linked with poor health, and unsaturated fats are linked with better health. And not just in a "rich people are healthier" way, when companies switched, everyone got healthier.
But this guy doesn't care. We're really living in a post-truth world.
Yup. It's well studied which is why when someone has a heart attack the recommendation is essentially eliminating all saturated and trans fat. (See the DASH diet).
Basically, if the fat is solid at room temp, it's unhealthy.
Emulsions are mixtures of fat and liquids, like caesar or greek dressings. They usually require high-speed blenders to do it. Frying bacon wouldn't be considered mixing.
That said there are chemicals that can aid emulsivication but I'm unsure if any are additives to bacon (like nitrates and flavorings are).
So your telling me I should be scooping out the contents that harden on top of the crock pot instead of letting them melt back into the pulled pork for flavor... Ugh. I'm lazy so I usually just want to put the pot in the fridge at night, then back on high when I get home, by the time everything else is done it's basically back to boiling.
I had to cut back on eggs. I have hens out back that I just let free roam but I hadnt been giving them away fast enough. So I hard boiled a couple dozen and was eating them throughout the day just as snacks to keep food costs low. After day twot I realized I needed to slow my intake. Just got to loop more people into my egg ring. Luckily people like free eggs right now.
Come spring I'll just put a thing down by the road so people can grab them when they drive by, but I do worry kids might have a field day with that lol
Fat in sold form isn't like a rock. Think of jello or Crisco - that's what solid fat looks like. So yeah, that gelatinous bacon grease? That's solidified fat at room temp.
An emulsion like mayonnaise is not a pure fat, though. It's a mixture of different fats (both saturated and poly-unsaturated) and water. The mixture is stabilized by emulsifying agents like lecithin that interact with both the fats and the water. When all theses ingredients are blended together with enough force they create an arrangement that is semi-solid at room temperature, yes. But you can't compare that fairly to a pure fat. If you try, you're missing the point.
That said, mayo is a great replacement for butter in some situations. Try spreading a little on bread before toasting it in a hot skillet.
Nope. Coconut oil is really high in saturated fat. It's bad. The fact that it went through a phase where people were considering it a "healthy" fat had actual nutritionists raging.
Fair enough! That's really good to know. I'll stick to using it externally for my skin in the winter, unless there's better options out there and I've been misinformed about that too. Actually, I'm gonna go double check that right now
it could only be considered post-truth if there was ever any attempt at truth in the first place.
Epidemiology makes Astrology look like legitimate peer reviewed science.
Epidemiology is a real thing though. You can certainly track, for example, the link between smoking and lung cancer. Not everything is as clear as that, but epidemiology is quite important.