I will judge, and I will not forget
I will judge, and I will not forget
I will judge, and I will not forget
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Yes yes blame voters. Keep doing that. Great strategy. Do not blame the DNC.
We shouldn't blame Trump voters for the results of their vote? Why not?
Voters (and people who chose not to vote) are to blame. Fuck off.
So you are to blame for a third party not winning?
See how this does not make any sense
“It’s everyone’s fault but my candidate’s and their party for losing!”
"Its everyone else's fault but my own that I chose the misogynistic racist."
It wouldn't have mattered what the dems did. Trump offered the most concessions to the ultra wealthy. Just like when the Democrats win, thats what decides it.
They did not. Less people voted for Trump than before. There are statistically less racists and mysoginists than before. You should be happy right?
That makes no sense.
There were less Trump voters. And even less Harris voters. People do not want right wing garbage. Ask the DNC to stop shoving it in their faces.
Thank you
I'm not saying the DNC shouldn't have better candidates. I'm saying it wouldn't matter, if they don't appease the ultra wealthy.
I voted third party. Go on and cry about it liberal.
You’re not pushing your candidate to the left after being out to brunch for the past four years and overlooking a genocide, you’re being pulled right and you think you’re “protecting democracy” by voting for a candidate that not a single vote went to in a primary, and “preventing fascism” by funding the israelis in their genocide.
Unless you're a literal armed radical, you'd be considered just another kind of liberal too.
Did you vote for a misogynistic racist? I thought you'd voted third party and not trump? You seem to have a guilty conscience.
I voted third party. I didn’t vote for the piece of shit orange buffoon, but it’s really telling that the DNC lost this fucking badly to him. They’re not incompetent, no no, the voters are evil scum of the earth!
They sure showed them dems
They don't realize that by being angry at their fellow man they them away.
Por que no los dos?
It's day four of Trump being in office and I've already been ghosted by dozens of people for the crime of not voting. Because, you know, immigrants who can't vote are expected to vote too.
Trump isn’t in office until he’s sworn in mid January.
Also simultaneously LOL and I’m really sorry. Those people are not only stupid but not your friends.
Well they're certainly not now.
Sorry, that’s really hard. I went through a bad friend break up recently that had nothing to do with politics and it sucks ass.
Wait, what, you didn't vote? GAAHH! Yeah not important at all.
A non citizen CAN’T VOTE!
I voted third party. Cry about it.
That's what I always choose.
Idk what's worse: not voting and making your voice useless out of apathy or laziness, or voting third party and making sure your voice means nothing on purpose.
The whole point of a democracy is people speak their minds, is it not?
If you vote third party, your vote is an extension of your true self. If you vote for a potential winner just out of the likeliness they'll win, is that really "you"?
Same logic if you don't vote. In Australia, voting is a requirement for all citizens, and it's disastrous because you end up with people who just don't care filling up some random candidate's score, so the outcome doesn't reflect what people actually want.
If you vote third party, your vote is an extension of your true self.
Your true self is a waste of time.
How did you vote third party if you can't vote?
Reading comprehension is hard. I’m a US citizen, the original comment I replied to is that of an immigrant who can’t legally vote.