"No, I'm not doing nothing I'm raising awareness!"
"No, I'm not doing nothing I'm raising awareness!"
"No, I'm not doing nothing I'm raising awareness!"
Gaslighting and Democrats, name a more classic duo.
"I hope I get to watch you suffer the consequences of your actions since you doomed me too"
"That's a death threat!"
Sure buddy.
Lazy quote changing gaslighting.
I hope people like you are the first people put in the camps
I will look forward to the order to launch on your nation
Mode removed some of your fellow Harris supporter's threats, but not before you all upvoted and clapped.
Lazy quote changing
Literally changes the quote
You have to be trolling.
Two separate quotes on two separate lines confused you??
Accusing me of gaslighting while gaslighting me
Trolls can have a little salami, as a treat.
More word salads please.
"Concentration camps are kosher if the opponent wins"
I'm not everyone but it looks like you are feeding a troll to me. They are obviously being ridiculous, if they aren't a troll you are effectively punching a kid in the face for being dumb by continuing to engage with them. Nothing good is being accomplished for anyone involved either way.
Like I said, trolls can have a little salami, as a treat.
Sometimes they fuck around and get banned too, which I'd say is a net positive.
Are you SERIOUSLY so messed up in the head that you take this as a call for YOU PERSONALLY to be put in a camp? Are you really that dense? We don't want you then. Go right, join them, they will embrace your need to be a victim and will supply you with a thousand other ways to cry how unfair people's jokes and rhetoric are.